Grand Opening
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
We are officially open and ready for business. Kingdom Mission Law Firm is a new up-and-coming law firm servicing the surrounding areas of Louisiana. The vision behind Kingdom Mission Law Firm is to bring H.O.P.E. (help, opportunity, professional representation, and equality) to all those who choose to work with Kingdom Mission Law Firm.
How will we do this (you might ask), especially in the day and time we live in?
We believe that our mission of serving our clients T.R.U.T.H.F.U.L.L.Y. (transparently, respectfully, uniquely, timely, humbly, faithfully, uprightly, loyally, lovingly, and year-round) will bring about our vision of creating HOPE for those in need of legal counsel and/or representation.
A wise man once said that you can’t have a vision statement (a goal) without a mission statement (a way to accomplish that goal). This is why Kingdom Mission Law Firm’s foundational blocks are HOPE and TRUTHFULLY. So many businesses fail each year because they merely go off of a vision with no way to accomplish it. This will not be the fate of Kingdom Mission Law Firm. So, to combat this pitfall, the TRUTHFULLY mission statement was created to accomplish our goal of HOPE! I am so excited to see what the future will bring not only for Kingdom Mission Law Firm but for those Kingdom Mission Law Firm will reach and help!
So, once again, we say welcome, welcome, and welcome! We look forward to the new faces that will come to Kingdom Mission Law Firm!
Oh, and I can’t forget!
This will also be the “official site” of Law+Healing Blog!
Let’s learn together and stay up-to-date together. If you are looking for news or events concerning Kingdom Mission Law Firm, this is the place to look. While you’re here, check out links to some of the content we have provided just for education purposes as it relates to understanding certain aspects of law in Louisiana. We hope you enjoy what you find. Stay tuned!